Promote the development of the Chilean Blue Economy in strategic sectors linked to the ocean, transforming the acquired knowledge into Technological Services and Applied R&D, generating new and innovative business opportunities.
Promote the development of the Chilean Blue Economy in strategic sectors linked to the ocean, transforming the acquired knowledge into Technological Services and Applied R&D, generating new and innovative business opportunities.
Become a national and international leader in marine renewable energies promotion in Latin America, through the development of innovative solutions for the industry.
After decades of research, marine energy has made its way worldwide, because it is a natural and inexhaustible resource, permanently and continuously available. It does not produce emissions or wastes that impact the environment. Due to their compact configuration, marine energy converters propose alternative solutions for energy supply in isolated areas. In addition, its great potential to desalinate, would allow to partially solve the current water shortage.
Chile has attracted the attention of promoters of this type of energy, due to its powerful and consistent waves, high-velocity currents generated by the tides, and privileged offshore wind resource along its extensive coastal line. To address this opportunity, in 2015, the companies DCNS of France (today Naval Group) and Enel Green Power of Italy joined forces to create the company Energía Marina SpA.
That same year, Corfp and the Ministry of energy made global call to create the first Center for Research and Innovation in Marine Energy. This is how the Marine Energy Research & Innovation Center MERIC was born, in conjunction with two Chilean prestigious universities: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad Austral de Chile. The central objective is to turn Chile into a local and global benchmark for marine energy , accelerating the insertion of these technologies in the country, transforming the acquired knowledge into frontier technological services, creating business opportunities.
Directive Team
Rodrigo Paredes
Executive Director
Sebastián Rojas
Finance & Operations Manager
Professional Team
Marcos Di Iorio
Project Manager
Nathalie Amonacid
Coordinator of R&D / EMMAP
Yasna Saravia
Marketing & Communications
R&D Professional Team
Mirtala Parragué
Research Engineer
Francisca Rubio
Research Engineer
Felipe Lucero
Research Engineer
Leandro Suárez
Research Engineer
Natalia Aziares
Research Engineer
Operations Team
Julien Rebuffaud
Finance and Operations Coordinator
Maitena Perez
Finance and Operations Professional
MªLorena Muñoz
Finance and Operations Assistant
James L. Stancampiano
CEO Enel Generation Chile
Béatrice Nicholas-Meunier
Senior VP Global Collaborative Innovation, Partnerships and R&D, Naval Group
Jean-Yves Battesti
CEO Naval Energies